Concerning Breath (2nd)

Every cell of the human body is, at its core, an atomic reactor of the most exquisite design that is continuously engaged in the conversion of matter into energy and energy into matter.

The material constituents of this dual conversion process are carried to the heart of each cell via physical systems that are well understood by Western science; however, free-flowing universal energy is carried to the heart of each cell as well by a subtle circulatory system that Western science has yet to describe.

Our breath is the…mechanism that drives this subtle circulatory system.

The primary way…humans convert energy into physical form is through the breath.

With every breath we take, we are gathering and transforming the raw material of our bodies and minds.

The degree of consciousness…we bring to our breathing determines the nature of our physical and mental manifestations.

The rate, rhythm, depth, intensity, physical manner, and mental attention of each breath contribute precisely to the movement and embodiment of (subtle) energy within our lives. ” ¹

¹ The text of this post is quoted from Breathing, by Michael Sky, ISBN 0-939680-82-3

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